Exercise of the week: Elevator Ab Rollouts

Beach season coming up, warmer weather, what is everyone worrying about? Their six pack . That’s what everyone is scouring the internet to find, a way that will shape up their midsection. Look no further I’ve got a variation on an exercise that you won’t find anywhere else on the internet, quick go ahead google Elevator ab rollouts. I’m betting the only thing that came up is this post, if not inform me because they I want some creative credit for this one. I originally got this idea by toying with the concept Ben Bruno used for Front Squats. It was kind of a “ah-ha” moment where I started to apply this elevator concept to other things, this is how the elevator ab rollout was created. How do you make a hard exercise like the ab roll out more difficult? Increase the time you’re extended on the rollout thereby increasing the TUT (time under tension). One thing I want to recommend before you try this exercise, make sure you’re able to perform a fair amount (15-30) of ab rollouts in GOOD form. If I haven’t scared you away yet and you’re still looking for the holy grail of core exercises, here it is!


Elevator Ab Rollouts

Getting set-up

1. Setting up

Kneel on floor or mat (fold the mat if you need more cushion). The more narrow (closer together) the knees are the harder it will be and vice versa the more wide (farther away) the knees are the easier it will be. What I find works best for most people is knees at hip width apart.

2. Gripping the roller

Take an overhand grip on both handles of the roller or on even spacing on a barbell.

3. Head positioning

Keep your chin tucked from beginning to end (you’ve heard this in almost every exercise).

Performing it

1. Roll-out

At the start of the exercise the roller should be right in front of the knees with arms straight and back neutral (flat). Brace your core and tilt your pelvis forward before you roll forward. Roll the roller/barbell forward bringing your body with it maintaining straight arms/flat back. Continue lowering body as close as you can get to the ground without losing that straight body position or letting that back sag.


This is where the exercise starts to differ from a traditional ab rollout. Instead of rolling all the way back to the beginning position you’re going to break it up into quarter movements. Start by rolling back a quarter of the way back and then rolling forward again trying to get body as close to the ground as usual. Next roll back again half of the way back and then roll all the way forward again. Continue this again by rolling back 3/4 of the way back and then rolling all the way forward again. Lastly on this roll back you will continue all the way back to the starting position. This counts as one repetition, I recommend 3×3 for starters or if you’re especially brave try 4×5 (warning not for the faint of heart).


In summary

Training the core is important and since I know you know this, I know you will find this exercise of value. If you’re looking to take your core training to the next level and are proficient in ab rollouts, I challenge you to try this variation. I’m pre-warning you though, this will torch your core like nothing else, so once you try it don’t say I didn’t warn you. Roll out!

~Love it or hate it? Share your thoughts below.

~Have an idea for the exercise of the week? Comment and let me know!


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Quick & Fast: The 20 minute workout

people lack free time, and are always looking for ways to budget their time more efficiently. This is a very common trend in the fitness community as well with things like “10 minute workout”, Tabata classes, or even more gyms being made up entirely of machines. Now IMO all of these things have flaws, but what tabataprogram doesn’t have some flaw? Especially when marketed to such a huge array of different people, right? I’m here to provide you with a better alternative to get your workout done in 20 minutes, get stronger, leaner, and you know the last part LEAVE YOU HAPPIER because of it!

Here’s what you need:

Two Dumbbells
















That’s it nothing else, short and sweet my friends.

Now here’s your workout!!


This workout is designed to be performed in a circuit fashion. There are 5 exercises, so start at A1 performing the recommended repetitions/time and once completed immediately proceed to the next exercise A2, continue in this fashion all the way down to A5 at which time you will rest for 1minute before you begin again.

A1. Treadmill Sprints 20seconds (Fast with an aggressive incline)

A2. DB Goblet Squats x10

A3.DB Sumo Deadlift x10

A4.DB Bent Over Row x10

A5. DB Floor Press x8

Rest for 1min and complete for 5 total circuits.


That’s it short simple and to the point. What makes it so effective? It targets all fundamental movements (squat, deadlift, press, pull) keeps your heart rate elevated resulting in serious FAT BURN, but most importantly it’s short. The great part about this circuit is you can progress it in a multitude of ways. You can add time to treadmill sprints (not over 30 seconds), increase the speed of the sprints, increase the weight on the exercises, decrease the rest between circuits, or add another circuit to the total. The single greatest part about this circuit is it literally can be performed SAFELY by anyone no matter their fitness level. Having trouble getting to depth with the goblet squats, decrease how far down you go. Having trouble getting to the dumbbell on the ground for a deadlift, elevate the dumbbell on a small step according to your mobility needs.  Having trouble with the treadmill speed/incline, decrease both and work you way up as your conditioning gets better. My goal is to always help you get stronger, leaner, but still keep you happy by adding a little bit of fun and believe me performing this circuit 3-4 times a week will do all three!

~ Love it or hate it, Comment below once completed.

~Have any quick workouts you find safe and effective?


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All about the core


Despite what magazines will tell you, your core is far more than the 6 pack or washboard abs. To take this even further, your core is pretty much everything besides your legs and arms- which makes up a very big portion of your body! Now when most people think about the all important core they think crunches (spinal flexion) and maybe back extensions (spinal extension). The problem with this is your core is not designed to move but rather to stabilize, especially when challenged by movement. See the actual key to the core is not the 6 pack muscles you can see but instead the muscles that lie directly behind them. What muscles might these be you ask-well let me show you some of them!


These muscles are foreign to most people because we can’t see them, so why work them. This is the common problem with most people’s programs or workout routines only focusing on the things that you can see results in. Although some people may have great physiques ever wonder why they have low back pain, terrible posture, and numerous injuries? This is because the muscles you can’t see, especially in this case, are being neglected in favor of physique appearance. Now, I get it, we all want ripped up abs, a round booty, and maybe some bulging biceps; but what about a stable core to support us? If you are interested in a stronger core, strength gains, athletic performance, injury prevention, and longevity of health here are some CORE exercises you NEED to be doing. Oh and don’t think I left you hanging a sample core strengthening program is included at the bottom!

Anti extension

The goal of exercises in this category is to resist excessively arching in the lumbar spine (lower back).



Intermediate progression

Stir the pot

Advanced progression

Ab roll out

Anti Rotation

These exercises are designed to do exactly what you think, resist the lumbar spine (lower back) from twisting.


Tall kneeling Pallof press

Intermediate progression

Standing Pallof press

Advanced progression

Renegade row

Anti lateral flexion

These exercises are designed to resist side bending aka  you grabbing those dumbbells and bending to the side.


Side plank

Intermediate progression

Single arm farmers walk

Advanced progression

Single arm waiters carry

hard 2 da core

Da Core Workout- Here’s a sample workout using some of the movements from above. There are two ways to go about using this workout, first option is you can perform this workout as a stand alone workout for 4-6 weeks; or you can just take one exercise from each of the above categories and incorporate them into your existing program. Whichever option you choose, make sure  technique is your first priority when performing each exercise!

A1. Single leg deadlift to row-3×10 (Increase the dumbbell weight weekly or every other week)

A2.Stir the pot-3x20sec (Add 3-5 secs every week)

B1. Half one arm bench press 3×12 (Increase the dumbbell weight weekly or every other week)

B2. Standing Pallof press-3x20sec (Add 5 seconds every week or increase weight)

C1.Reverse lunge to press-3×12 (Increase the dumbbell weight weekly or every other week)

C2. Side plank-3x20sec (Add 3-5 seconds every week)

There you have it, a simple core program and some exercises that you can use to develop that STRONG core everybody is talking about!

lets give them

Say bye bye to flabby arms

Flabby armsWe all have problem parts, those specific places where fat seems to lay its head with no intention to leave. Whether it be the backside of your arms or the front side of your thighs we all have something we specifically want to target. Well as great as it would be for me to tell you that shake weight, seated leg extensions, or ab roller are gonna resolve your issues it isn’t quite, so simple. The reality is you can’t spot train. The body doesn’t just pick and choose where it wants to take fat from. But you can through a well-organized program and a smart nutrition plan help trim down those problem areas such as the well publicized flabby arms.

Means to track

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